Contact Information

“I found Rome as a city of bricks and left it as a city of immortal marble.”

[ about us]

We Design Dreams

We are a company with over 25 years of proven experience in the sector of natural stone, marble, granite, and luxury materials such as quartzites. We offer over 10 different brands of compact quartz and large-format porcelain stones, primarily from Spain and Italy.

We are always evolving. Improving our infrastructure, expanding the range and diversity of products, services and our way of doing business while keeping the same enthusiasm for each project, to offer distinction and the highest possible quality.

Our quality is backed up by our users, collaborators and suppliers. Thank you for your trust in our work and creativity. It will be a pleasure to serve you.

[ our services]

What can we offer?

Contract Design
Contract Design

Stone projects for any space: Hotels, Restaurants, Spas, Shops, Offices, Residences, etc.

Tailor-made Solutions
Tailor-made Solutions

We adapt and develop different ideas. We study them in detail, bringing them to life with the right materials.

Art and Decoration
Art and Decoration

We bring to life, creating rooms or giving them back their splendor: Monuments and Buildings of Civil and Ecclesiastical Art.

Years of Experience
Completed Projects
Restored Works
[ processes]

Planning and Manufacturing

  • 01
    Concept Creation
  • 02
    Material Selection
  • 03
    Elaboration and Details
  • 04
We study your idea to meet your expectations and turn your dreams into a reality. We carry out all types of customized work with care and the best raw materials thanks to our ability to adapt.
We work with quarries all over the world, offering all kinds of materials of exceptional quality that evoke beauty, elegance and maximum quality. Diverse uses, style and design, we seek the right material for each case.
We are manufacturers; we control the entire process from start to finish. We seek the design in the stone, achieving the best forms that nature offers us, obtaining finishes with a unique and optimal result.
Once the process is finished. We proceed to transport it with meticulous care for its reception and installation in optimal conditions. Creating versatile, sustainable, functional, integral, comfortable, harmonious, relaxing and innovative spaces.
[ our values]

SecureStone® Fundamentals

Mission: Enthusiasm and excitement in each project, as if it were the first. We plan to manufacture and export globally.

Vision: We are a family business (2nd generation) which follows traditional techniques supported by the latest technology and uses noble materials. We have an innovative system for the installation of mortared and ventilated facades with any stone element (Patented and registered).

 S ustainability
 E xclusivity
 C arefully-made
 U tility
 R ecycling (3R)
 E legance

 S ingularity
 T enacity
 O ptimization
 N atural
 E xperience

Do you need to view or download our business presentation in PDF?

Casabona Mármoles
[ Our factory]

Casabona Mármoles

Working with natural stone for more than 30 years. We manufacture any type of natural stone and carry out custom work anywhere in the world.

Do you want an outstanding finish?

SecureStone® is the answer. We oversee every stage and element of your project.